Behavior & Discipline

Many schools are implementing a positive behavior support system to create a postive school climate. PBIS (Positive Behavior Information and Support) has more information about implementing a positive behavior support system at your school.

TISBIS School Discipline System

"The Teacher Inspired Student Behavior Information System (TISBIS) is an online discipline tracking software system that allows teachers and school administrators to record, track, and monitor the behavior of students.TISBIS takes the place of a paper referral system, and it has many advantages and features that you will not find anywhere else. A referral or behavior incident can be entered in the system in less than 15 seconds by a teacher, aide, or any authorized person via a secure, protected website.  Once the incident is entered, the data is stored and can be retrieved or edited in a variety of ways."



"The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based information system designed to help school personnel to use office referral data to design school-wide and individual student interventions."


PBIS- Positive Behavior Supports

The positive behavior support website provides school leaders with valuable information on implementing a school-wide behavior plan.